Does Pureed Food Affect Nutritional Value?

Arun Raj 0 Comments

In short, nutritional value in pureed food may be lower than regular food. Some nutrients of pureed foods may be lost through preparation and cooking of foods prior to blending as well as during the process of blending. Preparation for blending foods often involves the removal of hard skins and fibres of the raw...
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4 Levels of Dysphagia Diet

Arun Raj 0 Comments

Dysphagia diet is a special eating plan that is prescribed by a speech therapist for patients who experience difficulties swallowing certain foods. Depending on the condition of the patient, a dysphagia diet may be permanent or temporary.According to the IDDSI Framework, there are 4 main levels of dysphagia diet:Level 4 - PureedFoods in this...
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Dysphagia: Causes and Implications

Arun Raj 0 Comments

Dysphagia is a condition where patients experience difficulties swallowing foods and fluids. Persistent dysphagia may have serious implications such as aspiration pneumonia resulting in death, if not properly treated.What causes Dysphagia?Dysphagia may be caused by a number of medical conditions such as stroke, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease. In some cases, the cause of dysphagia cannot...
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